Today's news is connected to the global spread of GoCrypto.

31 Oct 2022, 06:45
Today’s news is connected to the global spread of GoCrypto. As you may know there is more and more different kind of players in this sector but I believe that due to our wide spread of products and very highly developed segment of crypto acceptance we are showing the way. Being a “market leader” is a big responsibility but it’s also a difficult task to stay there. With launch of GoCrypto 2.0 we’ll have new 18 months of advantage and we will have to continuously digitalise/disrupt ourself. Todays news is still confidential / even if its publicly (on event) announced because our team is in El Salvador in mid of November. Our next mission is to help the crypto acceptance in El Salvador! Please no public spread of these videos or information…it’s only for this community. Enjoy! Next news (2 really big ones) in November.